To my fellow Malaysian from Kelantan congratulation on winning Malaysian Cup, for a year the Kelantan had to wait for this moment and for that congratulation for your patience in waiting for this moment.
Hopefully the the Kelantan government will give the Kelantanese one day holiday for them to celebrate the achievements,may these win spur the Kelantanese and Malaysian to be unite whatever political,religion and race background.
So Malaysian lets join together celebrate with Kelantan on their achievements and winning the Malaysian Cup.
Congratulation Red Warriors may these spur our local football to a greater heights....
6 years ago
congrats kelantan :)
well done klate!
yeah..glory2 red warriors !
I dare to say, only Kelantan has the looks of a real football club, with always packed stadiums match-after-match, strong fan base (damn I see from TV, the stadium was all RED??).
Heard so much about Kelantan already, wish can go there some day
gomo klate gomo!
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