If you fond to travel especially abroad you might seen these, so for those unfortunately like me unable to travel due of course financial constraints mainly enjoy..may someday we can enjoy the scenary ourselves
p/s:picture courtesy of the net with respective copyright owner...
6 years ago
cool.. nice planes =)
nih la buat spotters tak senang duduk ehheh
kuman "berleter.." Entry
woahh.. comel je flight tu.. hehe..
mAS xder pom...???hihihi
p/s:..nice view..:)
sabar ini baru part 1 ada lagi sambungannya
so nice! maybe air asia should paint batik on their planes...haha!
waahh,,x trfikir aq de kpl trbng cmni..naruto n dragon ball ada x? hehe
kalau la dapat wat design macam tue kat tshirt... hehe
kalau la leh wat kat tshirt... kompom cantikan kan kan...
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