After a month of waiting....and a week after receiving my HSBC pay advice finally it first nuffnang is great day for me...the long awaited income had arrive...well just enough to spend it on my 'teh tarik' expenditure for a month or two...
Here the scan mail received at my post box...thanks all malaysia blogger come and join nuffnang be part of this exciting family....
6 years ago
eh.. congrates on the nuffnang cheque, i still haven't got the first cheque from nuffnang..
not enought money to send..
Wow... *Jealous*
wow. u get a cheque in only one month time. that impress me enuff.congrates dude.
(still waiting for mine to come )
not really...that amount is accumulated of a actually waiting period from my start requesting payment
so hw much u get?
not much RM 50 only..not a famous blogger to be earning hundred or thousands
my nuffnang $$ still 0.00...however i got AUD2.61 from google ads hooray!
hi congrats on the first nuff check! :D
best nye da dpt cheque. walopun x bnyk mane, ia tetap duet kn.. huhu..
Congrats to you. I also received my first cheque last week. Have not bank in yet, still admiring it..LOL
$mile too at fast Speed!
its ok. rm50 is still ok.i just cash out last week. rm149 for 3months. good luck to u ya!
Hello Fadzie, congrats on your 1st cheque. Mine is like a looooong way to go. I wonder when I will reach rm50.00.
Malaysia Asia
congrats bro. i havent rcv any cheques from nuffnang :(
I'm hoping and waiting for enough $$ to cheque out T.T
congratz... dropping from innit..
congrats! may you have many more nuffie cheques! :)
thanks all for the wishes...for those who had received checks from nuffnang may you earn more....and for those who haven't reach the minimum amount to request patience your turn will come....
Wow wow, congra :D
waa.banyak kah dpt nie? bape lame ko join nuffnangs nie?
dah lame dah...hujung tahun ni cukup la setahun...ala aku pun bukannya famous blogger...unique visit pun dalam 20 sehari je...tapi alhamdulillah dapat rezeki..tak byk tapi rezeki jugak...
aku xcashout check lg pn.
mybe hujung taun kot..
dok plan mcm tu la..
mudah mudahan la
Wow, congrats to you!
wah hebat²!
I had requested my check last month..I'm still waiting my 1st check to come... :)
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