Monday, October 13, 2008

Year of Political Mayhem

This year is a hectic year of our political people. Especially towards the end of the year where of the political parties held their election for selecting their respective leaders. Among the awaited of course,UMNO party general election and currently the nominations for the election are being held where it almost had been the highlights almost all in the newspapers.

Well my advised to all the politcians out there don't forget the 'rakyat' while your eargly campaigning for the post of your dream. Remember us whom elected you.

To the newspaper pleased don't just concetrate on political issue do give more headlines to the rakyat that are in need what's ones of UMNO 'S top leader had been said 'akar umbi'.

Anyway i'm grateful to be malaysian where we live in peace in harmony in this multiracial,culture and religion. Hopefully this peace and harmony will lasted until the end of day.